board’ in this regard were secretly reversed. Positions were also changed under
this ‘board’ but were later reversed.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:






2017 = 1.8

3.5 The editorial independence of the state/public
broadcaster from political influence is guaranteed
by law and practised to ensure balanced and fair
news and current affairs programmes
The law says that ZNBC is autonomous, but whether or not this is the case is
debatable. “In practice, there is a lot of political influence editorially.”
Generally, the accepted order of the ZNBC news bulletin will be first the president,
then Vice-President, then the ministers, etc. In fact, the editorial guidelines of
ZNBC speak of ministers being a priority in covering news. You will hear nothing
about the opposition, just what the ruling party is doing. “The news on ZNBC
should be balanced because this is taxpayer’s money.”
But ZNBC also faces restraints in its reporting. If, for instance, there are only
three reporters and the president and ministers are doing activities, then one has
to send a camera and reporter to cover these events. Obviously, the president
receives priority.
Sometimes, ZNBC crews are chased away at opposition events. There was even a
case where a reporter had to hide in a police station. The ZNBC are reluctant to
risk personnel and equipment in this way. “The political environment is such that
unfortunately ZNBC becomes demonised.”
But other panellists noted an omission of context in this view. The reason ZNBC
reporters were chased away was that people who were interviewed at the event
were never seen on screen. “People at opposition rallies feel that they are being
mocked by the presence of ZNBC.”
Female members of the opposition tend to get good coverage by ZNBC, but only
if invited by women’s organisations. The concerns about ZNBC also extends to
religious functions, where it was felt that the essential parts of an event are not


Select target paragraph3