State of the media report Q1-2021

business to currency depreciation, reduced economic activity, continued load shedding and the
economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The technological environment was eventful, with some of the developments being negative and some
being positive. For instance, the potential impact of the Cyber Crimes and Cyber Security Act No. 2
of 2021 which was discussed in detail in the legal environment section above was one negative
As pointed out earlier, while some of the intention behind the Act could be good, some of its
provisions have the potential to stifle freedom of expression online due to the invasive nature of its
provisions, especially against those deemed to be critical of the State on various social platforms.
One of the few notable occurrences in the quarter under review was the directive by the Independent
Broadcasting Authority to radio stations not to collect personal information live on radio. The
Authority issued the following statement:
The Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) wishes to advise all broadcasting stations
against requesting their callers to reveal personal information such as National Registration
Card Numbers whether in part or in full, Full Names and Mobile Numbers, live on air when
participating in promotional campaign programmes. Revelation of such details poses a
security risk to them.
The Authority has issued this directive following consultations with the Bank of Zambia and
hereby directs broadcasting stations to obtain such details from their listeners or viewers, off
air in order to avoid public disclosure.
It is important to note that the disclosure of such detailed personal information on air may
provide a ripe environment for fraudsters to perpetuate fraud through impersonation and may
erode the gains the country has made in migrating people to a digital economy through
digital financial services.
This statement has been issued in accordance with the provisions of the IBA Act of 2002.All
broadcasting stations are expected to comply with the above stated directive
The directive was long overdue as the trend of asking callers to submit personal details has the
potential to encourage identity theft, fraud and other social engineering vices which are on the rise in


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