State of the media report Q1-2021

support most of the equipment (such as print presses, transmitters and studio control units) which
requires stable supply of electricity. While there was an observable reduction in the load shedding
hours experienced in the quarter, media houses remained apprehensive as they had to invest in
standby power sources.
The economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continued to hamper media operations mainly due
to a reduction in economic activity as indicated above as well as increasing operational costs due to
implementation of preventive measures such as personal protective equipment and rotational work
schedules. This was equally observed by the majority of the interview respondents who noted that
despite implementation of “new normal” measures to mitigate the disruptive effect of the pandemic,
there was still a marked negative impact on media houses. One of the respondents stated that:
“The economic environment was not conducive as journalists remain the lowest paid sector
of society and with COVID-19, the situation has become worse”

Another respondent noted that:
“The economy is not doing well for the general populace. The COVID situation has also not
helped matters”
In the quarter under review, the government continued to disburse the Targeted Medium-Term
Refinancing Facility18 as well as other COVID empowerment/relief funds19, and were open to the
media in Zambia. However, many commentators continued to call for a specific media financial
bailout package, especially that the media play an essential role in information dissemination for
informed decision making-especially in an electoral year. Such a package, must be implemented
under a framework that will still guarantee editorial independence of media houses.
Overall, the economic environment remained negative due to poor performance of most economic
variables and the resultant effect on the operations of media houses. While the outlook in the quarter
under review was more stable and less severe when compared to the previous year, several factors
continued to compound the operations of the media, among them, the continued high cost of doing

See Bank of Zambia COVID-19 interventions at


Government rolled out a COVID package in 2020 and continued to implement it in the quarter under review.
This stemmed from a K10 billion medium term refinancing meant to restructure, refinance, or extend credit to
businesses and households impacted by COVID-19 and issuance of COVID-19 bond amounting to K8 billion as a
stimulus package to enhance economic activity. A summary of government measures in response to COVID-19
can be viewed in a brief compiled by KPMG and available at

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