members of the general public and from the members of the general public to the government.
Siliya said the policy also addresses the irresponsible use of social media.
She said Cabinet also approved in principle, the introduction of a Bill in Parliament to
establish the Professional Filmmakers Guild of Zambia that would organise and govern the
activities of actors and film makers and introduce mechanisms that will monitor quality of
“The film industry not only provides a means for cultural preservation, but also has the
potential to significantly contribute to national development. It is for this reason that Cabinet
approved the National Film Policy on 19th May, 2017. The proposed piece of legislation is,
therefore, expected to provide a platform which will organise and govern the activities of actors
and film makers as well as monitoring the quality of films,” she said.
Siliya said to wind up debate for the day, Cabinet approved in principle, the introduction of a
bill in Parliament to amend the Teaching Profession Act Number 5 of 2013 in order to redefine
the mandates, roles and functions of the Council and the Standards, Evaluation and Assessment
Section of the Ministry of General Education and further, harmonize them so as to enhance
cost effectiveness, efficiency, and quality in the education service delivery.
Alert-10th August (The Mast)
Dr Fred M’membe says journalism is a profession by occupation and not by certificates,
diplomas or degrees. He asks who will determine what knowledge and skills someone should
learn and be able to demonstrate to get a journalism licence.
Dr M’membe, a journalist, former managing director and editor-in- chief of The Post
newspaper (in liquidation) was reflecting on the recently approved, in principle government
bill to regulate the media and licence journalists in Zambia.
In his reflections, sent to the Mast from Mwika Royal Village in Chisali, Dr. M’membe said the
government’s decision to indirectly licence journalists through some media council was illintentioned and that it won’t achieve anything good.
“After 26 years of editing one of Zambia’s biggest newspapers, I think I can say that in have
some reasonable understanding of journalism and the media in general,” Dr.M’membe said.
“In addition to this I am a PhD student in journalism and media studies and I am a recipient
of many journalism and the media awards. This should give me some reasonable understanding
of journalism and the media,”
He argued that one did not need any technical skills comparable in detail to the other
professions-to write shoot video, record audio, put it all together online and distribute it.
Dr.Mmembe said one could do all that, although perhaps instruction.
“Journalism is a profession by occupation and not by certificates, diplomats or degrees, its no
more complex than figuring out how to use your smartphone and laptop,” he said.
“Nonetheless, there’s no question that journalism schools teach would-be journalism much
more than that- everything from defining a story to pitch it to editor’s interview people digging
out information that authorize would prefer remain, structuring and presenting stories to
audience in different formats, not to mention the hands-on experience with the technical


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