He said Government has no reason, whatsoever, to hinder the media or journalists from doing
their job but want to ensure that enough space and latitude is provided for them to do their
work in a much more professional manner because society depends on them for information
on various issues affecting their wellbeing.
Mr. Malupenga said it is not in dispute that the media play an important role of informing,
educating and entertaining the public but this role calls for the highest levels of professionalism
anchored on key fundamentals of truth, objectivity, fairness, credibility and fact.
Speaking during the launch of the Trust in the Media Baseline Report, Mr. Malupenga said
Public trust is fundamental in the success of the Journalism profession.
He said sadly, countries world-over, including Zambia, is a victim of fake news which has
‘poisoned’ the bloodstream of our societies – undermining trust and destabilizing democracy.
Communique-30th July (The Mast)
CABINET has approved in principle the introduction of a bill in Parliament to provide for the
establishment of a self-regulatory professional body for journalists.
In a statement issued by chief government spokesperson Dora Siliya on the decisions made by
Cabinet at the 17th cabinet meeting (continuation) held at State House, stakeholders had
generally complained that a phenomenon where every person feels that they could practice
journalism and do so willingly without observing the minimum standards cannot go
unchallenged. Siliya said there was a great desire among the stakeholders to save the
credibility of the media.
She said the establishment of the Zambia Council for Journalists would provide a legal
framework for the journalism profession to thrive making it more effective and efficient. Siliya
said journalists would have confidence in their work considering that they were protected and
further, it would protect the profession and ensure that there was professional reporting
especially with the advent of social media.
She said the legislation would provide for soberness and sanity by journalists. Siliya said
Cabinet approved the Media Development Policy in order to deal with the challenges that are
constraining the development of the media industry in Zambia.
“As a result of liberalisation, the media industry has grown significantly and continues to do
so. With this growth, comes attendant challenges that must be tackled through a
comprehensive policy framework - challenges such as inadequate regulation, inadequate skills
among media practitioners as well as inadequate media development-related infrastructure.
It has become necessary to ensure a well-coordinated approach in the sector. Further, with
the advent of the electronic media, the need for appropriate regulation and capacity building
is cardinal for the growth of the sector,” she said.
Siliya said Cabinet also approved the National Information Communication Policy and its
Implementation Plan which aims at among other things, to address the challenges that the
government was currently facing as regards intra-government communication and
communication with the public in order to enhance information flow from government to the


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