you risk imprisonment for simply voicing your opinion which is the violation of the basic tenet
of liberty.
Now freedom of speech is often difficult because at its core, it requires that people who decide
to go into public life must tolerate criticism from all corners. Whether you are a mayor, a police
chief, a diplomat or a national leader, democracy requires you to sign up for public criticism.
If you want to have political power and influence and status and responsibilities of public
office, you have to be willing to be criticized fairly and unfairly sometimes you might even be
called names”, his sentiments read in part.
Alert-12th July (Kalemba)
INSPECTOR General of Police Kakoma Kanganja has warned political party cadres against
attacking radio stations to disrupt programmes featuring political figures. Kanganja also says
“individuals” without cases at courts of law should stay away especially during the time of the
COVID-19 pandemic. PF cadres have recently adopted a habit of storming radio stations to
disrupt programmes featuring opposition party leaders.
In May this year, ruling party cadres violently invaded Isoka Community Radio Station and
Muchinga FM and disrupted a programme featuring UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema. In
March last year, PF cadres blocked Democratic Party president Harry Kalaba from entering
Radio Chengelo where he was scheduled to have an interview.
And in April last year, PF cadres attacked NDC president Chishimba Kambwili during a live
radio programme on Power FM in Kabwe. Continuing the same trend, PF cadres on Friday
attacked Mafken Radio in Mufulira where Hichilema was being interviewed, but were beaten
by residents. In a statement this afternoon, Kanganja said the trend of attacking radio stations
should come to an end.
“The growing trend of thugs attacking radio stations under the guise of politics is criminal and
should come to an end forthwith,” Kanganja stated. He said any person who felt offended by
the content of any interview should follow the due process of the law by registering their
grievances to the police or other relevant authorities and not taking the law into their own
hands. Kanganja also warned that police would ensure that only those with cases in court
access court premises.
Last Thursday, PF cadres who turned up to offer solidarity to corruption-accused health
minister Chitalu Chilufya and caused commotion at the Lusaka Magistrates’ Court, leading to
an adjournment of proceedings without him taking plea.
Alert Update-15th July (Lusaka Times)
President of the opposition NDC Chishimba Kambwili says Lusaka Province Minister Bowman
Lusambo and Copperbelt PF Chairman Nathan Chanda are behind the attacks on Mafken
Radio in Mufulira. Mr Kambwili says it is a shame that despite being aware of the incident,
Copperbelt Police Commissioner Charity Katanga has not done anything to bring the culprits
to book.
He has questioned the silence by the International Community allowing Zambia to degenerate
into a banana republic because of President Edgar Lungu. Mr Kambwili said President Lungu
must be ashamed to allow Mr Lusambo and Mr Chanda to ferry cadres to Mufulira openly
carrying pangas threatening innocent citizens.


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