

Communique-1st July (ZNBC)
Former Post Newspapers Editor-In-Chief FRED M’MEMBE has been arrested by Police in
Chinsali, Muchinga Province on three charges related to the now defunct newspaper.
Muchinga Province Police Commissioner JOEL NJASE has told ZNBC News that Dr.
M’MEMBE, who is now Socialist Party President, has been arrested and charged for being
found with property suspected to be proceeds of crime.
Mr NJASE further says Dr. M’MEMBE has also been charged for theft as Director and
fraudulently appropriating property as Director. He says the arrest follows a complaint by
Post Newspapers Liquidator LEWIS MOSHO. Dr. M’MEMBE has since been released on
police bond and will appear in court soon.
Communique-1st July (ZNBC)
United States Chargé d’Affaires, David Young say the USA and Zambia cherishes the Freedom
of Expression. Mr. Young, however, says Freedom of expression and protests should be
exercised responsibly.
He says much as people are free to protest and express themselves, they should do this in a
peaceful and respectful manner. Mr. Young has told Journalists after meeting Information and
Broadcasting Minister Dora Siliya that Freedom of Expression and protests become bad when
it borders on incitement.
He said government believes in Freedom of expression and protests because they are key to
the growth of democracy. Mr. Young said that those who hold public offices must be ready to
be criticized. And Ms Siliya said people are free to express themselves but this should be done
within the law.
She said one’s freedom of expression should not injure the next person.
Alert-11th July (News Diggers)
UNITED States Embassy Chargé d’Affairs David Young says it is unfortunate that in Zambia
today, it is frowned upon to say anything critical about government or leaders without risking
being censored or threatened with arrest.
And Young has condemned Kabwe Central PF member of parliament for threatening to break
protesting youths’ bones.
Speaking during a digital American Independence day celebration held by the American
embassy on July 4, Young noted that anyone who occupies public office should be willing to be
criticized; fairly and unfairly.
“It is unfortunate in Zambia today that it is frowned upon to say anything critical about seeing
your government leaders or problems in government without risking being censored or even
threatened with arrests. The first of reservists for freedoms is freedom of speech and in many
ways, it is the foundational of civil and political rights. It is central to all freedoms, expression
through the press, assembly, peaceful protests, belief. If you can’t say what you believe, you
aren’t truly free. Today, freedom of speech is under threat around the world. In many countries,


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