5. Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)

The MoA’s website provides all of the ministry’s programmes, projects, agencies, boards and contact details. The website has
statements from the Minister and Deputy Minister of Agriculture; it also features agricultural maps. The website has up-to-date
news and provides information in both Kiswahili and English.
n = 20




Additional Information


1. Does this website contain up-to-date information?
2. Does the website contain the following:
a) A description of its powers, as well as data on the organisational
structure, the functions and the responsibilities of the administration?


b) A list of laws, Acts etc issued within the scope of its powers?


c) Reports, policies, programmes?


d) Budget and expenditure?


e) Information about procurement procedures and/or signed contracts?


f) Vacancy and employment procedures?
g) The address, telephone numbers and working hours of the institution?


h) The contact details of specific public officials?


These are provided but
are outdated.


i) A mechanism to request and receive a response to electronic messages
and requests for information?

Total Score: 15/20


The following questions were sent to the MoA:
1. We are aware that the National Agricultural Input Voucher Scheme (NAIVS) was launched as a smart-market subsidy that
aims to provide small-scale farmers with access to critical agricultural inputs, such as fertilizers and improved seeds, at a 50%
subsidy. How is this plan fairing today?
2. The Kilimo Kwanza Plan was aimed at helping farmers with affordable technology, such as tractors. How have you made this
available to most villages in the country?
3. The agricultural sector employs more than 75% of the country’s population. How does your ministry help them in accessing
markets for their produce?
4. One of the challenges facing rural farmers is the availability of agricultural extension and veterinary officers. What does your
ministry do to address this?
5. What prompted the reduction of your budget from Tshs 214 billion in the 2017/18 budget to as low as Tshs 170 billion in the
2018/19 financial year? Will this reduction not affect your plans?
n = 20


Is there an official designated to take and respond to information




2. Did the institution reply within 21 days?


3. Did the institution respond to the request for information?


4. Does the authority publish their procedures for dealing with information


5. Did the institution provide all of the information requested?


6. Does the institution provide written reasons for the refusal of information?



Additional Information

Select target paragraph3