The media landscape, including new
media, is characterised by diversity,
independence and sustainability.
A wide range of sources of information (print,
broadcasting, internet, mobile phones) is accessible
and affordable to citizens.
One can see from the igures announced by the panelists that there is a wide range
of sources of information in Benin. he count goes up to 133 periodic papers
of which 83 are dailies. hese rather frightening igures on the media landscape
would however have to be broken down into categories that will enable one to see
the supply and accessibility of the papers in real terms.
A survey on this issue reveals that the number of copies printed ranges between
50 and 2000, to possibly 2500 which by calculation gives a general average of
about 500 copies. According to some of the panelists, some prints are virtually
insigniicant and could even be classiied as conidential.
However, the so called system of the media review has to be taken into account
as well where a variety of attractive headlines increase the readership espacially
considering the high levels of illiteracy and the fact that the Beninese do not read
According to their owners most newspapers are published so that they feature
in the media review and in local languages. his has led to a new way of reading
newspapers every day from 10am onwards. Mostly the decision about the top
articels in the media review is reached after some negotiation and after money
has changed hands. here have even been occasions when the media review has
featured papers that never saw the light of day.
Generally speaking, accessibility to the media can only be said to be true of radio
which is heard by everybody and mobile telephony which can be found in almost
all homes at a 74% coverage rate. he print media, on the other hand, is basically
found in the urban areas since it is not within inancial reach of most people. he
dailies are sold for 300 CFA per copy though the minimum wage in Benin is
pegged at 31,000 CFA (1 US dollar is equal to about 500 CFA).
Let us not even make mention of the internet which is a luxury good for most
Beninese. E.g. Allada which is 45 km from Cotonou does not even have an



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