4.10 Journalists and other media practitioners
are organised in trade unions and/or professional
associations, which effectively represent their
his is true in Benin. It was through the initiative of the Union of Media
Professionals in Benin (Union des Professionnels des Médias du Bénin, UPMB) that
the collective agreement, which is binding on media personnel, was signed after a
process that lasted from 1994 to 2008, even though its implementation is stalled.
UPMB brings together both private and public professionals to negotiate
alongside the National Employment Council for the Media and Broadcasting
(Conseil National du Patronat de la Presse et de l’Audiovisuel, CNPA) whose main
preoccupation is to defend the interests of employers in their negotiations with the
State, especially on issues to do with annual radio and television fees.
It was due to the combined eforts of CNPA and UPMB that the media black-out
day was launched to defend the freedom of the media. As regards the public sector,
there is already a trade union within ORTB.
One of the panelists noted that the mobilization of journalists keeps reducing
in real terms when one takes a look at the low level of participation by media
professionals during the UPMB’s union day. Despite the great numbers that are
registered, most of them turn up just before break and they leave just after that.
he situation is rather diferent when it comes to the UPMB’s general assembly
since new members are elected to executive positions.
Some explanation has been given for the reduction in union activity levels since
journalists themselves come to terms with their employers, without the consent
of their trade unions, that they are ready to work without being paid, but this is
illegal. he situation of interns and voluntary workers is also a problem because
of their precarious conditions. Some of the interns are not willing to leave at the
end of their internship and the voluntary workers also begin to insist on their
rights and demand that their employers recruit them. hough they request the
protection of trade unions and journalist associations, they ind themselves in
this uncomfortable situation because of the types of voluntary services they are
he panelists emphasized that even in cases involving those who are not members
of UPMB the Union still defends their case when any of the professional principles
are at stake.



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