him not to do so and even asked if he could sell the media house to them so as to
continue printing the paper., which is not for free.
Negotiations are currently on-going for improvement of salaries at ORTB.
Outside of the basic salaries however, the other conditions of service are not
enviable though there are a few exceptions. When a journalist of the public media
is sent to cover events in a conlict zone, he/she is given insurance cover.
According to some panelists, the transportation of journalists becomes the duty of
the event organizer whether it is being held in Cotonou or up country. here are
times when ORTB staf tells event organizers to go see a private media house for
coverage of their event, since those are houses in which they have a stake.
It is surprising that there are mechanisms in place to oblige media bodies to give
their journalists decent working conditions even in the face of all these deviant
practices. his is the reason why all media houses requesting assistance from the
concerned authority, should out of necessity register two of their journalists and
state their salary levels. Unfortunately however, they are able to by-pass these
conditions by providing supporting documents though they have evidently not
met the conditions. Journalists cite transportation challenges as the reason why
they do not have their registration but this is refuted by one of the panelists since
registration is done only once and used for good. hey simply lack the will to
comply with the rules and that is why they use false statements when requesting
assistance that is given to the media houses.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

1.5 (2007 = n/a ; 2009 =1.5)



Select target paragraph3