Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.5 (2007 = 4.7 ; 2009 = 3.6)

Broadcasting is regulated by an independent
body adequately protected by law against interference
whose board is appointed - in an open way - involving
civil society and not dominated by any particular
political party.
HAAC, which is the regulatory body for broadcasting in Benin is protected by
law against interference. Apart from its constitutional status, article 4 of the law
establishing HAAC reads “he Broadcasting and Communications Authority is
to be independent of any political power, political party, association or pressure
group of any sort or form”.
he procedure for the nomination of its nine members conforms to the criteria
of transparency and representation since it is to be made up of three nominated
by parliament (of which one is a journalist, one communicator and one resource
person), three by the Head of State who should meet the same criteria as those
of parliament, and three by the professionals group who have to be chosen from
among broadcasting, print media professionals and technical personnel.
Article 18 of the law establishing HAAC determines the terms of oice of the
members of the Broadcasting and Communications Authority as lasting ive years
and each person’s mandate cannot be revoked or renewed.
According to the panelists, the nomination of members does not necessarily mean
that there is no independence because the HAAC, as it is now, does not have
any party dominating and this has also accounted for its credibility. Out of the
nine members, six are journalists as emphasized by one of the panelists. From a
gender perspective however, one can clearly notice the absence of a woman on the
executive board of the regulatory body.



Select target paragraph3