Broadcasting regulation is transparent
and independent; the state broadcaster
is transformed into a truly public
Broadcasting legislation has been passed
and is implemented that provides for a conducive
environment for public, commercial and community
From the point of view of the provisions in Law 97-010 of 20 August 1997 on the
liberalization of the airwaves in Benin and Law No. 92-021 of 21 August 1992
on the operations of HAAC, a conducive environment for public, commercial and
community broadcasting was created.
he mechanism for liberalization confers on HAAC a major role in managing
broadcasting, especially through its experts in regulation, allocation of frequencies,
even if this is done after a technical report from the Ministry of Communication
(article 36 of the law on the operations of HAAC). his level of independence that
HAAC was given has not gone on without some resistance from those in power.
And that is where the hitch has been because the government took undue
advantage of the lack of technical report from the Ministry of Communication
to prevent the allocation of new frequencies over a four year period. he panelists
noted that until then, all frequencies had been allocated though the technical
report of the ministry had not been issued. Some are, however, of the opinion
that the radios and televisions that are currently operating also played a role by
intensely lobbying the Oice of the President in their own interest though they
also placed an emphasis on defending the legal provisions cited by the government
just so new competitors would not enter the market.
here is generally some progress in the legislation as the fees for commercial
broadcasting have been reduced. Apart from the few instances cited by the
panelists, it must be noted that the ministry produced eight technical reports of
which two were on TV just before the 2011 presidential elections.



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