3.3 The body, which regulates broadcasting services
and licences, does so in the public interest and ensures
fairness and a diversity of views broadly representing
society at large.
Much arbitration has taken place around the allocation of frequencies by the
HAAC. One of the panellists suspects the influence of the power of money. But
Article 3 of Act 97-010 of 20 August 1997 stipulates that “broadcasting space
and frequency bands covering the national territory of the Republic are the
property of the state”. “Authorizations to use frequencies for sound broadcasting,
television in analogue terrestrial or by satellite, shall be issued to private persons
by the HAAC”. The Minister of Communication draws up a technical report on
the availability of frequencies.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

1.4 (2007= n/a; 2009=3.2; 2011=3.3)

3.4 The state/public broadcaster is accountable to the
public through an independent board which is representative of society at large and selected in an independent, open and transparent manner.
The ORTB has a board of directors, but it is neither accountable to the public,
nor independent, nor representative of society as a whole, nor appointed in
an independent manner. Articles 7 to 9 of the Articles of Association of the
ORTB present the organisational structure of the institution, governed by a
board of directors made up of seven (7) members: the Minister in charge of
Communications (supervisory ministry) or his/her representative, the chairperson
of the board, the representative of the Minister in charge of Finance, the
representative of the Minister of Planning, the representative of the Minister of
Agriculture, the representative of the staff of the ORTB elected by the General
Assembly, the representative of the users appointed by the supervisory ministry



Select target paragraph3