Reporting Elections, Safety and Security of Journalists



candidates, parties and electoral management
institutions and officials.
Transparent polling procedures, fair, open counting
of the votes and timely release of the results are
Journalists and media houses can operate in an
environment free of violence, harassment and
Sources and interviewees are not threatened,
intimidated or harassed.
Perpetrators of attacks against media personnel and
property are brought to justice.
State and public broadcasters are transformed
into truly public service broadcasters as out- lined,
among others, in the African Charter on Broadcasting
Whistleblowers are protected.
Complaints procedures for aggrieved media
professionals exist (e.g. complaint mechanisms of
Electoral Management Bodies).

Public authorities should take appropriate steps for
the effective protection of journalists and other media
personnel and their premises. At the same time this
protection should not obstruct them in carrying out their
Journalists reporting on the electoral process have a right
to be protected from undue pressure and interference
from public authorities with a view to influencing the
elections and electoral institutions.
At a Zimbabwe conference in November 2022 to mark


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