Reporting Elections, Safety and Security of Journalists

where and when journalists are associated with, or
accused of partisan political reporting.
In such situations, media houses are encouraged to offer
mental health support to journalists who may be suffering
stress related problems, without even knowing it.
Technically menta health and psychosocial support
(MHPSS) includes any support that people receive to
protect or promote their mental health and psychosocial
wellbeing. One major component of MHPSS is treatment
and prevention of psychiatric disorders such as
depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder
Creating the environment for effective coverage of
Comprehensive Guidelines on Media Coverage of Elections
in the SADC Region developed by MISA, the Electoral
Commissions Forum of SADC countries (ECF-SADC), the
African media project of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
(FES), fesmedia Africa, and the Open Society Initiative for
Southern Africa (OSISA), recommends that:
Media houses provide adequate resources to their
journalists for effective election coverage.
The media enjoy unfettered editorial and
programming independence from all vested interests including candidates, parties, media owners and
organisations allied to and/or supporting candidates
and political parties.
All laws that hinder the media in fulfilling their role
are repealed.
All media are allowed access to all election activities
including rallies, media conferences,


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