Reporting Elections, Safety and Security of Journalists

know if your friend or another organisation may have
been tricked and shared fake news, or their account may
have been compromised.
Just because someone’s bio says it is them, it doesn’t mean
it is. Don’t trust someone by their bio alone.
You can keep the amount of information you share to
a minimum by only giving permissions that are really
needed and by actively managing your account settings.
Social media is a double-edged sword. It has been a
lifeline during a very difficult time, allowing us to find
another way to communicate, when the traditional, inperson method was unsafe. It allowed us to connect with
loved ones and delivered critical information in a very
uncertain time.
However, cybercriminals abuse it, and will continue to
do so, as it is full of valuable data they can steal and is an
easy platform for them carry out malicious plots. By using
best practices, we can stay safe and reap the benefits that
social media offers.
2. Facebook security
If you’re relying more on Facebook to stay in touch,
now’s the perfect time to adjust your privacy and security
settings. Here’s how.
2.1. Clear your history using ‘Off-Facebook Activity’
Facebook is constantly keeping tabs on your activity — on
and off its site. Apps and websites automatically check if


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