Reporting Elections, Safety and Security of Journalists

1.4 Beware of fake news
Social media feeds are filled with a lot of fake news and
misinformation. Fake news has existed for a long-time,
and social media platforms are perfect for this type of
nefarious activity. Sharing false information on social
media is now even a service in the underground or “gray”
market. It is important to remember this when browsing
social feeds and to check the sources of links carefully
before clicking or sharing.
To ensure you are not a victim, or a part of the problem
by sharing fake news, you should be vigilant about what
you click and share. Here are some ways to verify a post
is real:
See if a news story has been reported directly on a
reputable site or mainstream media: If it is real news, you
can bet more than one media outlet is reporting on it.
Look at the link: You can use similar principles that you
use to protect yourself from phishing. Are letters in the
URL replaced with similar characters?
Look at the quality: Are there real comments? Are there
spelling and grammar mistakes? Is it a professional
looking website?
Beware of clickbait headlines using hyperbolic terms.
When browsing through social media feeds, you could
use a mindset similar to the concept of Zero Trust. This
means that you do not inherently trust anything, even if
it is posted by a trusted person. Start from a place of Zero
Trust and verify before deciding to trust a post. You never


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