Reporting Elections, Safety and Security of Journalists


The inability to manage hate language
The fear of physical attacks
The exposure to bribes and begging
The framing of partisan views
The danger of ignorance
The fatality of lack of creativity
Lack training on issues of safety
Lack of guarantee of media freedom
Responsibility in reporting inflammatory speeches
Poor crowd estimation skills
Shrill propaganda
The journalist’s tool box

In Reporting Elections in Southern Africa, a media
handbook published in 2000, pages 46-50.

News reporting and current affairs programming
should be primarily to inform the public of issues.
Coverage of the party leaders and personalities
should not be done at the expense of the main issues.
Coverage of minor parties should not be
disproportionate to their role in the election.
Comment and editorial support should be clearly
defined and not disguised as news.

A summary of the recommended election coverage model
would include:
Economic indicators
Demographic profiles
Cultural and traditional practices
The parties and the issues


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