Interviews and vox pops aired on RNM and TVM generally do not give the full
picture. Internal filters, political censorship and self-censorship have an influence
on the choice of content. These filters and censorship are generally determined by
government interests: negative opinions, open criticism, views considered harmful
to the credibility of the regime are all edited. There is no clear criterion for what is
considered harmful: classification is left to the assessment of the government and
its representatives.
The Malagasy media charter ensures equal access of electoral candidates to public
media on paper. Equal access is also provided by law: Ordinance 92-039, Chapter
III, Article 37 on the legal status of public broadcasters states: “During an election
period, the authority responsible for overseeing all operations relating to the
conduct of the elections, or otherwise the Higher Broadcasting Board (HCA),
determines the conditions for allocating air time among the duly authorized
groups”. In practice, though, government has a stranglehold over electoral coverage
at least in regard to public media.
In private media with certain political affinities or leanings, opinions which differ
from the editorial line are not given much space.
Whether social diversity is reflected in the media is open to debate: The vox
pops, interviews and programmes take up the views of people from various socioprofessional backgrounds. Ordinary citizens or the underprivileged population,
however, are rarely consulted, except in the case of stories that mainly feature their
living conditions.
Finally, with regard to religious diversity, the media are open to faith and evangelical
communities and their voices are indeed heard. However, this representation
is largely limited to the Christian faith while other religions such as Islam are
virtually non-existent in the media.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score: 			



2.3 (2006 = n/a; 2008 = n/a)

Select target paragraph3