1.11 Civil society in general and media lobby groups
actively advance the cause of media freedom.
There are a number of civil society organisations and associations whose mission
or part of their mission is to defend basic freedoms and the freedom of the
media. However, their commitment is generally towards the advancement of the
principles they espouse and less of a practical or activist nature.
These organisations focus their attention on the state of the media within the
general framework of promoting democracy and deal with individual instances
of infringements on a case by case basis, at times selectively. Petitions have been
addressed to the state, for instance, and public opinion has been mobilised with
regard to the closing down of some television or radio stations. Other such closures,
like that of a private radio station in March 2010, have been met with silence.
The discussions revealed difficult realities. Another instance cited of inconsistency
and double standards was the example of the two public stations, namely the
national radio RNM and the national television TVM that were set on fire. While
this prompted a mobilisation of public opinion the setting on fire of a private
station on the same day was ignored.
Panelists agreed that a clear distinction needed to be made between the burning
of one private station in the context of general public unrest and the closing of
another as a result of a political decision and the action of a public authority.
The crisis in the country has increased the sensitivity of the general public
concerning the media. In the eyes of the public, the media necessarily belong
to a political faction. The public thus becomes an ally or an enemy of the media
depending on the viewpoints and interests involved in each particular case.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score: 			



2.4 (2006 = 1.8; 2008 = 2.0)

Select target paragraph3