
The journalistic profession is becoming increasingly precarious, and
the purchasing power of journalists is declining. This also affects their
motivation and the quality of their work.

3. What are the main obstacles for further positive


Shortcomings with regard to training are the core obstacle for improvements
in the quality of media services. Other inhibiting factors are the issue of
journalistic ethics, the Achilles heel of the Malagasy media, and the mutual
incomprehension between media owners and journalists.
The global and national crisis as well as the lack of job security for
journalists are impacting negatively on the quality of journalism. In
addition, journalists are still not being paid as decently as they should be.

4 . What kind of activities are needed over the next
two years?



The training of journalists is essential. In particular there is a need
for training on thematic issues (environment, childhood, gender, etc.)
conducted by specialised networks, organisations and associations that are
able to offer training sessions or refresher courses.
The training of media owners is also important. Each media outlet should
be run as a company with its own particularities, constraints and advantages
and be clearly distinguishable from any other company.
Work on the Communications Code should be accelerated. A code of
professional standards in journalism should also be established by all
practitioners of the trade in a joint and inclusive manner.
Finally, journalists should make a determined effort to organise themselves
with a view to achieving the sustainable objective of promoting the
emergence of a media of quality and professionalism.


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