Developments since 2007 and the way
1. Positive changes in the media environment:




A number of new media outlets have been established over the past two
years. This raises hopes for greater diversity in the industry. However, most
of these outlets were essentially created as a result of the crisis by certain
personalities eager to take a political stance or make political mileage.
There is greater variety in the content offered by broadcasters. This is also
an indirect consequence of the crisis. The public, worn out by political
conflicts, is less receptive to political programmes. Hence programmes
on the various regions, documentaries on the environment, tourism and
economic issues are becoming increasingly popular.
Media outlets are also more willing to cover the various regions if the
country outside the main centres: pages are devoted to regional news,
travel and discovery programmes, etc. This inclusive approach is highly
appreciated by the general public and increases the audience or readership
of the media outlet.
Private independent structures offering training in journalism have
emerged in recent months. However, they still face problems regarding
certification in general and standards in particular.
Internet use has increased significantly. At certain times of panic during
the crisis, some channels and stations stopped broadcasting, completely
depriving the public of relevant news. The web then became an important
alternative means to relay information. Online media, forums, blogs and
websites are all sources available to the general public. The democratisation
of the Internet is therefore under way.

2. Negative changes in the media environment:

Fanatic and partisan journalism, from all political sides, has increased.
Fake journalists operate in the industry, taking advantage of the
opportunities created by the emergence of several new daily newspapers.
Working conditions for journalists have worsened and they operate in an
insecure environment on a daily basis: one journalist was shot dead, others
have been injured, imprisoned and threatened openly or anonymously.
The premises of media stations and channels were set on fire. Other media
outlets were closed down.
Relations between journalists have become severely strained. They threaten
each other and have themselves become actors in the political crisis.



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