Finally, the risks related to the profession are generally not taken into account.
The recent (and still ongoing) political crisis, in particular the scenes of violence
experienced on a daily basis in 2009, showed the extent of the threat to which
journalists are exposed in the course of their work. Article 83 of Ordinance 92039 states: “For missions inevitably involving real dangers, especially in cases of
riots, civil wars, wars or military operations, or carried out in areas where there is
an epidemic or a natural disaster, the company must enter into a contract with
an authorized insurance agency to cover exceptional risks faced by an agent”.
Nevertheless, provision of insurance coverage is rare.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score: 			

2.2 (2006 = n/a; 2008 = n/a)

Media professionals have access to training
facilities offering formal qualification programmes as
well as opportunities to upgrade skills.
There is a journalism programme at the University of Antananarivo, but there
are no in-service or refresher training courses. Internal training policies do not
exist and training is offered on a piecemeal basis and on impulse. No qualified
institution offers training in journalism that is up to standard and most journalists,
even the best, are trained on the job.
Refresher courses to bring practitioners up to speed with technical and other
advances in the profession are very rare, and this results in serious shortcomings.
Panel members underlined the need for in-service training and the creation of a
centre dedicated to the promotion of the media and journalism.
This is not the first time that such hopes have been expressed, but they are yet to
materialise and not likely to do so in the near future, given the current crisis.



Select target paragraph3