MISA chapter



MISA Forum newsletter


Moqolotsi newsletter


Ufulu newsletter


MISA News, monthly electronic newsletter,


Khulumani newsletter, monthly electronic information digest


Special newsletter for May 3


Struggle for Media Law Reform


Monthly Reader’s Digest (electronic-newsletter)

Information technology
The MISA website continued to be used as an information dissemination tool and the year saw an increase in the
number of visitors to the website according to a web monitoring system. However, the website is still not userfriendly and the planned revamp, though started, is running behind schedule. The process will be speeded up and
MISA aims to launch a new and more accessible website before the end of 2008.
During the year under review, MISA began hosting the website of the Network of African Freedom of Expression
Organisations (NAFEO), which MISA helped to develop. NAFEO has yet to train the relevant people responsible for
placing content on the website.
MISA replaced the Programme Officer: Publications and Communication, who resigned at the end of the last financial year, with an Information Technology (IT) Officer, who has greatly helped the organisations’ IT needs and, thus,
improved the communication flow within the organisation.

Resource centres
Various MISA chapters run resources centres in order to provide information and communication facilities for journalists. The Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe chapters continued operating well-used resource
centres. MISA Namibia continued to offer free internet services to its members, while the chapter is yet to employ
an officer for the resource centre. In Tanzania the United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) expressed interest in
working with the local chapter to organise its resource centre. Researchers and other users, however, continued to
use the materials available there.


Annual Report 2008

Select target paragraph3