All media fairly reflect the voices of both women
and men.
Remarkable efforts have been made by the media in general and the broadcasting
sector in particular to reflect the voices of both women and men in a nondiscriminatory manner. The process for the enactment of the Individual and
Family Act is an illustration. During the enactment process of this Act which has
made polygamy illegal in Benin, women who were in the forefront were positively
accompanied by the media. It shall be acknowledged that this Act promulgated
in 2005 by order of the Constitutional Court, then headed by a woman, is hardly
known and observed by the populations (Beninese are mostly polygamous in
Comparing the number of women in the media to their percentage within the
population, it shall be acknowledged that greater efforts are to be made to achieve
equity hence providing equal opportunity to both women and men. The media
should therefore take into account the sociological context to avoid discriminating
against women. There are several testimonies confirming that the mobilisation of
women within the media and by the media is still rather difficult.
The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation published in 2009 “a white paper on
women” which is an eye-opener on the current status of women in Benin. The
book is entitled “Women in Benin at the heart of the social change dynamics”. In
its conclusion, the paper represented that despite the legal instruments formally
acknowledging equity and equality between women and men, “socio-cultural
practices confer on the Beninese girl, young girl, adult woman and senior woman
a status and a role that eliminates all possibility of effectively, equally and fairly
enjoying their rights, authority, assets and knowledge”. The interest of women in
journalistic trades and in the media sector is on the increase but their motivation
to work in certain areas (politics, economic affairs, environment, business
management, investigative journalism) is low.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country minimally meets aspects of the indicator.


Country meets many aspects of indicator but
progress may be too recent to judge.


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator and has
been doing so over time.

Average score: 			





Select target paragraph3