However, this practice is not the prerogative of the government alone. Most
municipalities and certain political parties at varying degrees have allegedly signed
these types of contracts with the media to ensure ‘appropriate’ media coverage of
their activities. Most of these contracts are “pathological” and do not promote a
diverse media landscape with independent outlets. The official 350 million CFA
francs subsidy are small change in comparison with the amounts spend on these
For most panel members, one cannot speak of the promotion of economic
viability and independence when the government officially grants a subsidy of 350
million CFA francs for the entire press and then signs a shady 400 million CFA
franc contract using taxpayers’ money with one television network.
However, taking the example of certain private media outlets such as Canal
3, Matinal and Progrès that also broadcast opposing viewpoints to that of the
government, members of the panel believe that it is possible to benefit from this
type of contract without lapsing into propaganda or allegiance. Conversely, many
examples were cited to illustrate that a media house cannot be economically viable
and independent when its whole operations large rely depend on non-transparent
state subsidies.
The lack of specific fiscal arrangements for media houses does not contribute
to their independence. Tax departments clamp down on media outlets in the
same manner as they do on grocery stores. They are subject to the same fiscal
rigour as any other business. This leads media owners to embark on a profitfocused approach without proper judgment. This results in numerous ethical and
deontological issues and is a real barrier to the independence of media outlets
vis-à-vis political powers and money movers. Likewise, the fear of possible fiscal
retaliatory measures makes certain media managers adopt an editorial line that is
not at all critical of the public administration.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country minimally meets aspects of the indicator.


Country meets many aspects of indicator but
progress may be too recent to judge.


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator and has
been doing so over time.

Average score: 			





Select target paragraph3