1.11 Civil society in general and media lobby groups
actively advance the cause of media freedom.
In Benin, the media is part of civil society. The question here is to assess civil
society’s level of solidarity with the media. In general, civil society and media lobby
groups work together to advance the cause of media freedom. Certain instances
were described to illustrate that when there is a conflict of interest between the
media and other civil society components, civil society actors scorn press freedom
and put the lives of journalists at risk. Union leaders and certain NGO managers,
dissatisfied with comments made regarding their actions on the private television
stations Golfe TV and Canal 3, attacked the journalists and the filming crew.
However, these exceptional and rare incidents do not contest the quality of
relations between the media and other civil society actors.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country minimally meets aspects of the indicator.


Country meets many aspects of indicator but
progress may be too recent to judge.


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator and has
been doing so over time.

Average score: 			



1.12 Media legislation evolves from meaningful
consultations among state institutions, citizens and
interest groups.
In Benin, there is generally consultation when funds exist for the operation. In
the case of media and broadcasting laws, the degree of consultation is quite low.
The rare occasions of dialogue did not allow actors to influence the content of
press and media related laws fundamentally. Currently, a draft information and
communication code is being prepared by the Ministry in charge of information.
This document, discussed by professionals on many occasions is still in the offices
of the Ministry pending a validation workshop that has yet to be organised.



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