A large majority of journalists, particularly in the private sector, have no social
benefits. A collective bargaining agreement was signed in 2005 between the
representatives of journalists and private sector employers but is yet to be effectively
implemented. Journalists, who should take ownership of this instrument to bring
their employers before the courts, have shown no interest at all. To avoid the risk
of being fired, journalists content themselves with per diem payments.
Since the late 80s, there is a practice in Benin, which consists of distributing a
certain sum of money, referred to as per diem, to journalists covering an event. The
per diem, a minimum of 5,000 CFA francs, is paid to the journalist by the event
organiser. Testimonies indicate that for a long period of time, even the state media
(ORTB, Nation, Agence Benin Presse) used journalists without paying them
salaries. The latter only lived on per diems received during events and potential
allowances for certain assignments.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country minimally meets aspects of the indicator.


Country meets many aspects of indicator but
progress may be too recent to judge.


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator and has
been doing so over time.

Average score: 			



Media professionals have access to training
facilitates offering formal qualification programmes
as well as opportunities to upgrade skills.
There are facilities that offer training in journalism. However, there are real
concerns regarding the quality of teaching and the recognition of diplomas by the
CAMES system (African and Malagasy Higher Education Council), which is a
body that validates teaching programmes and diplomas in Francophone Africa.
A section for training in journalism has just been established at the University by
ENAM (National School of Administration and Judiciary Training). It does not
yet address all training needs.
Private schools have also developed training programmes for journalists, photojournalists and other media professionals. Some schools award university



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