The body regulates broadcasting services and
licenses in the public interest and ensures fairness and a
diversity of views broadly representing society at large.
Globally, the HAAC makes a lot of effort to regulate in the public interest and
ensure a diversity of views in the media representing society at large. It shall
however be admitted that HAAC regulation of state media, particularly television
broadcasting, is practically non-existent.
It shall also be noted that the HAAC has no control over the contents of
advertisements, series, films and other prime time programmes.
In conclusion, despite the real aspiration of its members, the HAAC still does not
have the means to effectively regulate in the public interest.
In compliance with the provisions of organic law nr. 92-021 of 21 August 1992,
the HAAC is managed by a bureau assisted by a secretariat. Having a large support
staff to administer the organisation is not very useful for the smooth running of
the HAAC. There is a plethora of drivers and secretaries for a few executive level
positions required to help the institution properly perform its duties.
Over the past few years, the prerogatives of the HAAC in terms of regulation
were reduced by the barriers imposed by the government on its actions with the
appointment of state media managers and the awarding of frequencies. Several
state media managers are appointed without regard to propositions made by the
HAAC. The restrictions made by the government on the duties of the HAAC
in terms of granting frequencies were confirmed in part by a decision of the
Constitutional Court. The government’s main concern in this regard is to avoid at
all costs a proliferation of new radio and television stations that could prejudice its
political communication strategy.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country minimally meets aspects of the indicator.


Country meets many aspects of indicator but
progress may be too recent to judge.


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator and has
been doing so over time.

Average score: 			





Select target paragraph3