Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score: 			

4.9 (2008 = n/a; 2006 = n/a)

Entry into and practice of the journalistic
profession is legally unrestricted.
Entry into and practice of the journalistic profession is restricted in Mali. However,
some panellists defended these legal provisions as positive measures intended to
clean up the profession. They claim to have supported this position during the
drafting of the law when professionals were asked to make submissions.
The main criterion to work in the journalistic profession is professional training.
According to Article 4 of law N°00-46/AN-RM of July 7, 2000, which governs
media management: “A journalist is a person, holder of a diploma in journalism or
a diploma from institutes of higher learning with one year professional experience,
whose main activity is the collection, processing and dissemination of information
and news, for monetary gains as part of a public or private media house, print or
Some panellists claim that the spirit of this law is not intended to restrict the
practice of the profession, but translates as the readiness of journalists to purify the
sector. They positively appreciate this provision that others consider as a constraint
or a limit. According to a panellist it is based on the eagerness to promote both
norms and standards in the profession and to improve the quality of the media.
Another measure against the porosity of journalistic profession borders is found
in decree N°892-191/P-RM of October 5, 1992, which establishes a media card
committee. This committee is responsible for issuing and suspending media cards,
which identify journalists in Mali.
It was noted that there are so-called journalists in the country who do not meet
the provision in Article 4, and others who have cards issued by their employers.



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