An illegal new practice is taking place within the media environment, in which
beneficiaries sell radio frequencies to third parties, in violation of the provision of
decree N°92-022 of January 18, 1992, determining conditions and procedures for
being allowed to operate a private FM radio service.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score: 			

2.7 (2008 = 3.7 ; 2006 = 2.9)

Government promotes a diverse media
landscape with economically sustainable and
independent media outlets.
Generally speaking, media diversity is formally promoted and such diversity exists.
However, there is no legislation in existence to ensure that media companies are
economically viable. The State has not taken any initiative in this regard, nor has
it provided any preferential treatment to assist the private media in its growth.
Every print media outlet that meets the printing criteria set by the decree N°03264/P-RM of July 7, 2003, receives financial support from the State. The amount
of the direct annual assistance of 200 million FCFA (305,345 Euros) to be
distributed among all media houses has not changed since 1996, although the
number of media houses has increased significantly.
Concerning indirect State assistance, media companies can benefit from Value
Added Tax (VAT) exemption for a wide range of services and materials, according
to Article 195 of the General Imports Code of Mali.
On that subject, the benefits are linked to the supply of some elements of
information, except benefits from advertisement and information or communiqués
related to deaths; the preparation and the printings of periodic documents. But
panellists have regretted the limitations of this provision which leave the media
subjected to VAT as any grocerie item. Mali has not yet ratified the Florence



Select target paragraph3