8.0. Appendices

Focus Group Discussion Guide

Dear respondent, MISA Zambia conducts a review and analysis of the state of the media in Zambia,
detailing selected trends in the political, legal, economic and technological operating environment. In
this regard, your participation in this discussion will be helpful in compiling the snalysis for the period
January-June. Ensure you answer as elaborately as possible. The information collected is solely for the
purpose of the State of the Media Publication.
Q1. Generally, how would you describe the media operating environment in the first half of the

What were some of the notable issues that affected the news media?
Political, social, legal and economic environment?

Q2. What are your views on access to information in Zambia?

Should a law on access to information a priority in Zambia?
What are the major challenges you encounter in accessing public information and
How can the campaign for a law on ATI be enhanced?

Q3. What is your take on the proposed media regulation Bill?

What kind of regulation would you want to see?
Would you say the Bill was representative enough?
Do you think government will actually pass the Bill?

Q4. What has been your experience as a journalist regarding internet freedom?

How has the CCSA affected you? How?
How should the law be implemented to allow for enjoyment of freedom of expression online
and of the media?

Q5. In general, what are your observations on the State of the Media in the first half of the year?

What are your recommendations for the profession and other stakeholders?


Select target paragraph3