State of the media in Southern Africa - 2004
covering people detained over the blocked peaceful demonstrations on the adoption of the
The four are “Radio Phoenix” reporter Kangwa Mulenga, “Post” senior reporter Brighton
Phiri, “Radio Q-FM” reporter Mutuna Chanda and “Times of Zambia” Chief Photographer
Eddie Mwanaleza. They were detained at Kabwata police station.
The journalists were arrested after attempting to catch a glimpse of the 68 people who were
being held at a Lusaka police stadium for trying to demonstrate against government’s position
on the timeframe for the adoption of the republican constitution.
Mulenga Kangwa, who sustained a deep cut above his right eye and was found bleeding, told
MISA-Zambia that he was roughed up and hit with a gun-butt by a police officer despite
identifying himself as a journalist. He said the police officers descended on him and other
journalists when they refused to leave the scene where the demonstrators were being held.
The journalists, whose notebooks and camera were confiscated, were detained for close to five
hours before they were released on police bond. They were to appear in the Lusaka Magistrate’s
Court on December 23, 2004. Later, the journalists refused to yield to overtures by the officers
at Kabwata police who told them that they were dropping the charges against them following
instructions from high command.

So This Is Democracy? 2004


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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