State of the media in Southern Africa - 2004
against the police”. Such a charge does not exist in the Penal Code.
Mwiinga said his detention was instigated by the officer in charge at Chikuni police post
identified as Mwembe who, on August 29, 2004, was involved in a quarrel with two teachers
from a nearby school. The quarrel resulted in the police officer being attacked by one of the
teachers. Mwiinga witnessed the incident. However, for unexplained reasons, the officer in
charge accused Mwiinga of spreading rumours that the assault did not happen and sent one of
his police officers to fetch Mwiinga from his home and detain him.
“Radio Chikuni” news editor Matongo Maumbi confirmed the incident.
Date: November 15, 2004
Persons/Institutions: Southern Africa Centre for Constructive Resolution of
Disputes (SACCORD)
Violation(s): Other (censored)
Minister of Home Affairs, Lt. Gen. Ronnie Shikapwasha has deregistered the Southern Africa
Centre for Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD), accusing the organisation of
“engaging in activities inimical to the interests of the state”.
SACCORD is a non-governmental organisation involved in human rights, good governance,
election monitoring and lobbying for legislative reform. Recently, the organisation has been
outspoken in calling for the amendment of the Public Order Act, which regulates public
processions and gatherings.
Shikapwasha said in a letter dated November 11, 2004, which was made available to the media
on November 15, 2004, that he was deregistering SACCORD “with immediate effect” and
that it should stop operating.
But SACCORD executive director Lee Habasonda told MISA-Zambia that he was shocked to
learn about the banning of his organisation and had written to the minister to name the activities
that his organisation was engaged in which were a danger to national security. In the meantime,
he was consulting his lawyers with a view to sue the minister for breach of his association’s
rights to freedom of association and assembly.
The banning of SACCORD has been received with alarm by a number of NGOs especially
that it follows threats made by President Levy Mwanawasa on November 1, 2004 that
government would introduce legislation to check the source of NGO funding. He accused
some unnamed NGOs of trying to destabilise the government.
The Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU), Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC) and
Inter-African Network for Human Rights and Development (AFRONET) are among the
organisations that have criticised the banning of SACCORD and have challenged Shikapwasha
to give the reasons for his action.
But Shikapwasha told the state-owned “Times of Zambia” on November 16, 2004, that his
action was final and not subject to appeal.
“By law I am not even supposed to give SACCORD a hearing if I am convinced that they are
involved in serious issues meant to undermine the security of the country,” he said.
Date: November 24, 2004
Persons/Institutions: Zambian media organisations/coalition
Violation(s): Legislation
On November 24 2004, lawyers representing the six media bodies in the case in which they
have sued the Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services and the Attorney General for
vetoing the names recommended to sit on the boards of the Independent Broadcasting Authority
(IBA) and Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC), asked the Lusaka High Court
So This Is Democracy? 2004


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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