Individual scores:
Average score:


1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
1.0 (2005 = 1.0)

The body’s decisions on licensing in particular are informed by
a broadcasting policy developed in a transparent and inclusive

Because the body is not in place, a broadcasting policy has not been developed. The Minister
of Information and Broadcasting Services continues issuing licences contrary to the provisions
of the IBA Act which is in force and makes this the sole competency of the IBA.
Individual scores:
Average score:


1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
1.0 (2005 = 1.0)

The public broadcaster is accountable to the public through a board
representative of society at large and selected in an independent, open
and transparent manner.

The Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) is still being run by a board appointed
by the Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services although its tenure was effectively
nullified by the ZNBC (Amendment) Act in 2002. The current board is illegal since it was
appointed by the minister and not the IBA as stipulated by the new law. The term of office of
the present ZNBC board expired in August 2005.
Individual scores:
Average score:


1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2
1.2 (2005 = 1.0)

Persons who have vested interests of a political or commercial
nature are excluded from possible membership in the board, i.e.
office bearers with the state and political parties as well as those
with a financial interest in the broadcasting industry.

While the ZNBC (Amendment) Act stipulates that persons with a vested interest (political or
economic) are to be excluded from membership, some state and ruling party office holders are
sitting on the current ZNBC board, among them the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of
Information and Broadcasting Services and a constituency chairman of the ruling Movement
for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) who is also an aspiring candidate for the post of party

So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

Select target paragraph3