Sector 3: Broadcasting regulation is transparent and
independent, the state broadcaster is transformed
into a truly public broadcaster

Broadcasting is regulated by an independent body adequately
protected against interference, particularly of a political and
economic nature.

As outlined under 2.4. a Supreme Court ruling that clarified the appointment procedures for the
board of the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) was made in March 2007. The IBA,
however, is still not in place because the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services
has not acted on the judgement. Some of the proposed members nominated in 2003 by the
ad-hoc appointments committee have moved on and it may be necessary to start the whole
process all over again. The national budget for 2007 includes an allocation of K230 million
for the establishment of the IBA, indicating that there may be some progress on this matter in
the course of this fiscal year.
Individual scores:
Average score:


2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1
1.3 (2005 = 1.0)

The appointments procedure for members of the regulatory body is
open and transparent and involves civil society.

According to the IBA Act, the appointment procedure is generally open and transparent and
civil society is involved. However, the ruling of the Supreme Court which allows the Minister
of Information and Broadcasting Services to veto nominees to the board without giving reasons
reduces this transparency and openness. It is not clear what is supposed to happen in the case
of the Minister rejecting proposed names and there is a danger of candidates being decided
upon in shady deals between the Ad-hoc committee and the Minister.
Individual scores:
Average score:


3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1
1.9 (2005 = 4.1)

The body regulates broadcasting in the public interest and ensures
fairness and a diversity of views broadly representing society at

The regulatory body is not functional yet.
So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

Select target paragraph3