Individual scores: 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 3
Average score: 2.4 (2005 = 2.4)


The public broadcaster offers as much diverse and creative local
content as economically achievable.

Production of own programmes is still a problem because it is prohibitively expensive. While
there is more local news and current affairs content than imported programming during peak
viewing times, there are no local soap operas, dramas or comedies on air.
The fact that more local artists and musicians are receiving coverage on NBC was regarded
as a positive development.
Another positive trend is that there are a number of independent companies that produce documentaries for the NBC. It was noted, though, that independent producers are sometimes asked
to pay the NBC for their programming or films to be broadcast, while in fact just the opposite
should be happening: the NBC should be paying the local producers and thereby promote the
local film and production industry.
Both radio and television charge for covering events, so the public can in effect “buy the
NBC”. “If the show ‘Tutaleni’, for example, is invited to cover a function, you must pay them
... For sports coverage, The Namibian paid the NBC N$35 000 to cover the newspaper’s annual soccer tournament.”
Individual scores: 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 4, 4, 4, 5
Average score: 3.3 (2005 = 2.8)

Overall score for sector 3: 2.1 (2005 = 2.0)

Sector 4: The media practice high levels of professional

The media follow voluntary codes of professional standards, which
are enforced by self-regulatory bodies.

There is still no media council or other self-regulatory body. “What is becoming worrying is
that the Minister of Information, at almost every opportunity, refers to this as a prerequisite
for any other positive developments within the media sector.”
Because the media is highly polarised, there has been great reluctance among editors to come
together and discuss the establishment of a media council. MISA Namibia is trying to resuscitate

So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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