Individual scores: 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5
Average score: 3.9 (2005 = 3.9)

3.10 The public broadcaster offers diverse programming for all interests.
In terms of news, NBC television does not cater to Afrikaans-speakers, for example, as there
are no broadcasts in this language, despite it being more widely spoken in Namibia than English. It was felt that perhaps this is because other media in the country adequately cater for
this sector of society.
In terms of programming the NBC does attempt to provide a broad variety of programmes for
diverse interests, from women to farmers, the youth and sports fans, for example. Many of the
programmes, especially the films, are outdated, which is probably related to lack of funding.
The NBC’s approach to current affairs is selective – with more of a focus on social issues rather
than human rights, constitutional education and media freedom.
Credit was given to the state broadcaster for catering to deaf viewers with sign language interpreters during news and current affairs broadcasts.
Individual scores: 3, 3, 4, 3, 2, 4, 4, 3, 4
Average score: 3.3 (2005 = 2.4)

3.11 The public broadcaster offers balanced and fair information
reflecting the full spectrum of diverse views and opinions.
It was noted that NBC coverage of opposition politics has become fairer under the Pohamba
regime, with parties like the Congress of Democrats being given more space. Under Nujoma,
the language used on the NBC was exclusive: “my government” and “my party”.
Over the last two years this has changed to the more inclusive “our government”, an important
development showing that the public broadcaster is becoming more aware of the realities and the
language suitable for a multi-party government governing with the consent of the minority.
It was noted that the ‘Good Morning Namibia’ programme had improved to provide a variety
of views.
Panelists felt that NBC journalists generally failed to provide sufficiently balanced views in
their stories. “They just report and don’t bother to source comment from the other side.”
Generally, there is very little commentary on the NBC and little attempt to frame stories. Perhaps
this is a result of a lack of skills or self-censorship. “This is worrying because it is not good
journalism.” Production quality at the NBC was described as mediocre, and the quality of the
picture “is still not up to standard”.
So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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