Questions for following-up for the AMB III in Mozambique
After the debate related to the four sectors ended there was a
discussion on the follow-up questions for the third round of the African Media Barometer in Mozambique. There is no intention whatsoever, of this becoming the fifth sector. The questions that were
answered in a group related way were the following:

Was there any change in the media environment in the past 		
few years?
If there were positive changes which or what were the major
reasons for that?
What are the most serious obstacles in the way of more posi-		
tive changes?
If there were negative changes which or what were the major
reasons for that?
What decisive actors can bring about changes in the future?
What type of activities is needed in the next two years?

The following points were highlighted during the discussions:


One of the things that happened in the past two years was a 		
wider interaction between journalists, overcoming the turbulence that existed in the previous years;
The difference between a journalist and a journalist propri-		
etor is beginning to emerge which is being considered as a 		
healthy situation for the development of the journalists’ 		
In 2005 there was a major concern related to the new coun-		
try President, but at the moment there is a useful dialogue 		
climate between the Presidency and the journalists;
Institutions like the CSCS and GABINFO are being increasingly
disregarded by the journalists;
As far as ethical principles are concerned there are unkind 		
questions being raised: in the last few months there is serious
talk about corruption which is of concern to the credibility of
the profession;


African Media Barometer - Mozambique 2007

Select target paragraph3