Comments to the data of the four sectors in 2007, in comparison
with the results achieved in 2005:
Sector I:
There was an improvement of 0.3 points. There is the possi-		
bility of a mistake being done for the 2005 analysis. The EGFE
and the Codes for the Senior Leadership were already imple-		
mented but they were not mentioned or quoted in 2005.
Sector II:
There was an improvement of 0.5 points. In 2005 there was 		
some problem related to the question 2.12, because it’s not 		
Government policy to use its power on the placing of adver-		
tising in the newspapers. It could have happened that some 		
officials would choose where to place the advertisements 		
taking into consideration their preferences in relation to the 		
various media organizations but the Government as such, 		
never used its power for such placements;
Sector III:
There was an improvement of 0.5 points. No comments were
Sector IV:
There was an improvement of 0.7 points. Nothing was said by
the participants in relation to this aspect.
Comparing the data between 2007 and 2005, there is an improvement of 0.5 points.

African Media Barometer - Mozambique 2007			


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