South Africa
(MDDA) which funds community media; the Film and Publications Board;
and Brand South Africa and the Government Communications and Information
System (GCIS)--both of which administer public relations.

The media have a key
role to play in ensuring
fair and transparent
elections with
informed voters. They
act as a watchdog,
ensuring greater
transparency and
accountability during
the election process,
providing citizens
with information on
their candidates,
party policies and the
elections process,
enabling them to make
informed decisions
when they cast their
votes or engage in
public debate.


So This is Democracy? 2014

It is concerning that the public broadcaster is grouped with organisations
whose mandate is to positively promote
South Africa and further the South Africa
“brand”. This raises serious concerns
about the independence of institutions such as the SABC and ICASA and
whether the broadcaster will be used for
propaganda rather than news.

SABC provides predominantly
positive election coverage to ruling
On 11 May 2014, the results of South
Africa’s fifth democratic election since
1994 were announced – confirming a
second term for President Jacob Zuma.
In South Africa, despite a diversified
media environment, the costs of accessing this media - internet access, satellite television contracts, buying printed
publications – means the majority of the
population rely on the public television
and radio stations for news and information. And in recent years South Africa’s
public broadcaster, SABC, has increasingly proven to be hampered by selfcensorship and board loyalties to the
ruling party.
During the election, South African
newspaper CityPress reported that SABC
management ordered senior SABC news
executives not to broadcast footage of
the crowds attending opposition election rallies. And, SABC board chairperson Ellen Tshabalala reportedly told
news staff the National Intelligence
Agency (NIA) was monitoring their mobile phones.
The media have a key role to play in
ensuring fair and transparent elections
with informed voters. They act as a
watchdog, ensuring greater transpar-

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