November 2012, for example, the Public Works Ministry declared Nkandla a
national key point and said that prevented them from releasing any figures.

Increase in police threatening and
assaulting journalists
As in 2013, we are saddened to report
that 2014 was another year marked by
police brutality against journalists in
South Africa. Photographers, in particular, suffered unfairly at the hands of the
authorities in 2014 with many incidents
recorded of photo-journalists being targeted while covering demonstrations
– the most shocking case resulting in
On 13 January 2014, police shot dead
freelance journalist, Michael Tsele, in
the North West Province where he was
covering a local protest against the community’s lack of water and sanitation
Bystanders said Tshele was photographing broken water pipes (the reason for
the water stoppage in the township)
when he was shot . An eyewitness
told the Sunday newspaper, City Press,
Tshele did not have any weapon in his
hands, saying “the only threat he posed
was that his camera was recording evidence of what the police were doing.”
The official investigation into the shooting concluded Tshele was likely to have
been caught in the crossfire between
protestors and police. While community members say they witnessed Tshele
being shot by a police officer because
he had a camera and was taking photographs.

Photographers, in
particular, suffered
unfairly at the hands
of the authorities
in 2014 with many
incidents recorded
of photo-journalists
being targeted
while covering
demonstrations – the
most shocking case
resulting in death.
Just days after the shooting, on 18 January, the Daily Sun claimed police assaulted one of their journalists, Ricky
Dire, after he photographed the police
allegedly accepting a bribe from Chinese shop owners in Rustenburg, in the
North West.
The Daily Sun reported that police insulted and assaulted Dire, confiscated
his cellphone and deleted the pictures
from his camera. Police threatened to
detain Dire over the weekend, but the
lawyers for the Daily Sun secured his release after five hours.

Private citizens and groups lash out
at media workers
The above outlines some of the disturbing cases and allegations of police obstructing journalists while carrying out

So This is Democracy? 2014


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