(2) Where an entity does not hold the information in the requested language, the entity concerned
shall endeavour to translate it into the requested language and may recover the reasonable costs
of the translation from the applicant

As part of its annual Transparency Assessment Index of the most open and most closed public
institutions, in 2021 MISA Zimbabwe identified 10 institutions and worked with Community
Based Organisations to make information requests to the public institutions. The process was
monitored in line with provisions of the Freedom of Information Act.

The public institutions under review were thus expected to acknowledge receipt of information
requests within seven (7) days and provide a written response of the requested information within
21 working days.

Public institutions that failed to do this were deemed to have declined to provide information.
Some of the dissatisfied citizens approached the Zimbabwe Media Commission for recourse as
provided for by the law.

On the other hand, MISA Zimbabwe also monitored the websites of the institutions under review
as well as the social media utilisation and activities of the institutions. This was particularly
relevant in this Covid-19 environment as most people were working from home as part of measures
to curb the spread of the virus.

The following public institutions were surveyed:

1. Bulawayo City Council
2. Empower Bank
3. Harare City Council
4. Lupane Local Board
5. Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Tourism and Hospitality Industry
6. Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services
7. Ministry of Health and Child Care


Select target paragraph3