The two ministries thus have an obligation to consistently provide comprehensive Covid-19 related
information to the media and members of the public.
While efforts have been made to disseminate information through the situational reports, post
Cabinet briefings and Presidential updates, there is a need for them to disclose information
regularly and proactively through their websites and social media platforms.
There is also need for more diversity in the languages used to disseminate Covid-19 related
information to ensure all Zimbabweans are included in discussions on the pandemic and other
related developments. Steps should thus be taken to ensure daily Covid updates are in all the
official languages of Zimbabwe.
In that regard, more still needs to be done towards providing regular updates and information on
the availability of medical personnel and equipment that is being procured in the fight against the
However, in 2021, and in some instances, some local government authorities still stifled citizens'
right to access to information by refusing to provide information in the absence or proof of
Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs), that allow CBOs to operate unhindered in their areas.

Such refusals by public officials are not provided for by the Constitution in terms of Section 86 on
Limitation of Rights and Freedoms. In addition, the Freedom of Information Act (Section 27),
clearly states circumstances under which information may be withheld from an applicant where
such information may be prejudicial to the considerations or security interests of the State.

In some instances, citizens that made information requests in their local language did not receive
favourable responses from some institutions. This speaks to the further marginalisation of
marginalised communities from the access to information loop.

Section 6 of the Freedom of Information Act on language of access, states:
(1) Information must be provided to an applicant in such officially recognised language as the
applicant requests.


Select target paragraph3