
Gaps remain with respect to legislation, and it is viewed as problematic
that there is still no Right to Information or Broadcasting law.


Although the proliferation of media bodies should be positive, “we’re
not feeling it.” “There’s growth in numbers, but the quality and level
to which the media should hold people accountable is still lacking.”


Content creation and crowdsourcing on social media have had
negative repercussions with respect to media accuracy and fairness.

2. What kinds of activities are needed over the
next 3-4 years?
Panellists identified four key activities for redress and advocacy:



Code of Ethics
Alongside the NMC and other training institutions, the GJA should
provide more training to practitioners on the code of ethics, and
should educate the public on what they should expect in terms of the
quality and ethics from the media.


Broadcasting Bill
Advocacy around the Broadcasting Bill is necessary. Moreover, from
a holistic point of view, this should encompass new changes in
technology, such as digitisation, and the continued emergence of
new media; with a first drafting done by a media advocacy group.
The NMC should take this on with greater commitment, and as part
of its constitutional obligation.


It is important to enhance the representation of women as sources
in the media, encourage the promotion of equal opportunities for
women in the media, and create and or promote policies on sexual
discrimination in media institutions. The NMC has conducted a study
on gender and media which could be a starting point.


Greater advocacy is needed in improving the salaries and working
conditions of media professionals. The GJA, TUC and the Media
Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) could spearhead this advocacy.


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