The way forward
1. What were the developments in the media
environment in the last three/four years?

New media (especially social media) is becoming stronger, enhancing
reporting on communities and events in some communities that
would otherwise go unreported.


Most media houses now have an online presence with websites and
social media


The increase in fact-checking and verifying of statements, particularly
by politicians, has allowed the media to better hold those in power
accountable. The increased fact-checking was especially visible during
the 2016 elections.


Many more media institutions have emerged


The use of new technologies has improved the way in which media
is distributed, i.e., the Daily Graphic has digital applications that you
can download to receive news alerts, etc.


The reaction of traditional media to the growth of new and social
media has been somewhat negative. Traditional media find themselves
more rushed, compromising the quality of reporting. Rather than
doing this, traditional media should use this as an opportunity to
use the space afforded by social media to work on more detailed,
explorative stories.


Ordinary people do not receive the same serious coverage as those
in power. “There is a marginalisation of the ordinary people, and if
the media is not careful, it could lose the trust of ordinary people.”


The continuous reporting with a focus on personalities rather than
on the news itself is problematic. This has also resulted in increased
sensationalism in reporting, which contributes to dwindling space for
development issues and or stories.


Despite the positive aspects of the growth in new media, it is difficult
to trace liability when there are issues, particularly given the potential
overlap between what is considered personal or public.



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