Date: October 15, 2008
Person/institutions: Mwanahalisi newspaper

Violation/issue: Banned
Tanzania journalists, editors and media associations on October 14 condemned the ban of the
weekly privately owned Mwanahalisi newspaper and resolved from October 15 to boycott
publishing all news concerning the Minister of Information, Sports and Culture, George
Mkuchika. The government, through the Ministry of Information, Sports and Culture, banned
the publication of Mwanahalisi newspaper for three months from October 13, allegedly for
running false stories about President Jakaya Kikwete’s family and the ruling Chama Cha
Mapinduzi (CCM). During the press conference held in Dar es Salaam yesterday, the Tanzania
Editors’ Forum resolved to ‘black out’ the minister from privately owned print and electronic
media. At the meeting, which was also attended by MISA Tanzania and the Tanzania Media
Women Association, editors and journalists from various media outlets deliberated to go to
court to challenge the ban; planned to stage a demonstration to the Ministry of Information,
Sports and Culture head offices in Dar es Salaam to submit their concerns; and write a letter
to President Kikwete conveying the disappointment of media professionals in relation to the
incident. Another measure decided on was to inform the international community about the
concerns of the stakeholders.
Date: October 30, 2008
Person/institutions: Media/ Mwanahalisi newspaper
Violation/issue: Banned

Journalists from various media houses demonstrated their displeasure at the suppression of
press freedom in Tanzania during a protest march on October 29. Editors and reporters from
various media organisations staged the protest against the recent three-month ban imposed
on the critical Mwanahalisi newspaper by the government of President Jakaya Kikwete. For
the first time in the history of Tanzania, local journalists expressed open outrage in the streets
against the government, accusing it of trying to stifle media freedom in the country. The scribes
held placards denouncing the “state’s disrespect of media freedom” and sealed their mouths
with tape to dramatise the authorities’ bid to silence the press.

So This Is Democracy? 2008


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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