4.2 Supporting internet governance and policy:
Experiences in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)


Freedom of Expression
Programme Development Manager
Hivos in Southern Africa

Hivos is an international organisation that seeks new solutions to persistent global issues. It cooperates with innovative businesses, citizens and their
organisations and shares with them a dream of sustainable economies and inclusive societies.

• HIVOS has a long history of involvement with Internet governance issues
beginning with its participation in the preparatory meetings for the World
Summit on Information Society (WSIS) around 2000/1 as well as the WSIS
Geneva 2003 and Tunis 2005. As a member of Working Groups on Internet
Governance, HIVOS recognises that while the term “governance” is
normally associated with governments, under IG this is broadly used to
include participation and influence of other players beyond governments.
HIVOS’ support on internet governance is therefore premised on the fact
that citizens have a critical role to play.

granted in response to a call to support citizens in their quest for freedom
of expression and freedom of information.

Through the HIVOS programme in the region, citizens became active
stakeholders in matters of internet governance policy as opposed to being
passive receivers of policy matters.

• Actors engaging in the IG MENA programme include bloggers, journalists,
students, public sector employees and the private sector contrary to the
perception by some stakeholders that HIVOS only supports civil society.

Some of the areas supported by HIVOS under the IG programme in the
MENA region include knowledge building; capacity building of
stakeholders through online and onsite activities; empowering
stakeholders to engage with policy development, legislation, awareness
and multi-stakeholder involvement and participation.

• Through the HIVOS programme citizens are now active stakeholders as
opposed to being passive observers in matters related to Internet
Governance Policy. However, a vacuum still exists in the policy
environment: Some laws are still vague and ambiguous thereby posing a
threat to freedom of expression and freedom of information.

• HIVOS’ support to Internet governance in the MENA region was initiated as
a result of the popular uprisings of 2011 in the Middle East. Support was





MISA Zimbabwe

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