• Promote, encourage and strengthen dialogue and communication between
all Internet stakeholders in Zimbabwe.
• Explore the mobilisation of resources necessary to promote participation in
and convening of the ZIGF.
• Promote awareness of the ZIGF.
• Prepare, publish and disseminate the proceedings of the ZIGF and maintain
good flow of information among all parties
• Serve as a vital link between the ZIGF, SAIGF, AfIGF, the Global IGF and
other relevant regional, continental and international structures.
• Establish and maintain good working relations with other national IGFs and
regional actors.
• Facilitate participation by Zimbabweans in the regional, international and
global IGF activities.
• Review the terms of reference for the ZIGF Multi-Stakeholder Coordinating
Team in every two year cycle of the ZIGF and as and when it may be
• Convene ZIGF meetings; and develop and maintain active email lists and a
website to provide updated ZIGF related information
• Establish a dispute resolution mechanism.

Functions of the Zimbabwe Internet Governance
Forum (ZIGF) Secretariat
Functions of the ZIGF secretariat:
• Provide administrative, logistical and organisational support to the ZIGF.
• Assist the MCT develop strategies on sustaining the ZIGF process.
• Act as a knowledge management hub of the ZIGF experiences, best
practices, knowledge, expertise, needs and resources; and
• Convene ZIGF meetings; and develop and maintain active email lists and
website to provide updated ZIGF related information.
National Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Funding Options
The National Internet Governance Forum’s (IGF) funding options includes:
• Government
• Regulatory agencies
• Private sector (local and international)
• Grants from organisations active in the internet space
• Individuals

Panel Discussion Points
• Stakeholders also reached a consensus on the need for governments to
regulate the internet for purposes of national security and safety of
citizens, but remain cognisant of the need to balance the citizens rights to
express themselves freely and access information without fear. A key
recommendation was that there should be clarity in the difference
between espionage and communication laws in the current Interception
of Communication Act and proposed Cyber Security Bill, to ensure
protection of freedom of expression and association, privacy and other
civil liberties.

• Participants commended the Government of Zimbabwe for its
establishment of the Zimbabwe Internet Governance Forum as well as
efforts to advance the growth of the internet in Zimbabwe. There is need
to raise public awareness on the ZIGF activities to dispel the perception
that POTRAZ who are hosting the secretariat, are not perceived as
monopolising the space.
• Access to information via the internet can be enhanced by making the
internet and ICTs in general more affordable by citizens by ensuring that
the tariffs, which are currently prohibitive, are reviewed downwards. Key
to this is ensuring that schools, particularly teachers, are fully capacitated
and supported to provide effective internet based learning. This also
includes having power back-ups at schools to ensure the facilities are
utilised effectively.


• Public awareness on the Cyber Security Bill in the spirit of
multi-stakeholderism as it will be key to internet governance.




MISA Zimbabwe

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